Exhibitions: -1. August -21.August 2021. Exhibition. Det gamle Posthus. Gilleleje -1. May-1. July. 2018. Solo Exhibition. Ramløse Sognelænge. Helsinge - 25. november- 7. December 2017. Galleria De March. Bologna. Italy-13 July- 20 August 2017. Patchings 2017 Censured Competetion/Exhibition. Calverton, Nottinghamshire. uk. -6.Maj- 14. Maj 2017. Kunstrunden/open Art studios and group show. Marienlyst Slot Helsingør. 24.marts- 17. April 2017. Censured exhibition At Hillerød Kunstmesse and Annaborg. -February 2017. Solo Exhibition at TRELLEBORG. Helsingør. -Oktober 2016. Helsingør Art Gallery. Guest Artist. -13.-15. Maj 2016. Kunstrunden/open Art studios and group show. Marienlyst Slot Helsingør. -20.-23. April 2016. Jubileums Exhibition at Skævinge kunstforening. -11.-13. Marts 2016. Censured exhibition and Art stall at Hillerød Art fair and Annaborg. -6.Marts- 28. April 2016. Exhibition at Artkemi Copenhagen. 11.-13. September 2015.Kunstrunden/open Art studios and group show. Underværket Fredensborg. -14.-23. August 2015. Censured exhibition. 'filosoffen' H.C.Andersen Festival. Odense. -20.-22. Marts 2015. Censured exhibition and Art stall at Hillerød Kunstmesse/Art Fair and Art stall at Hillerød Kunstmesse/Art Fair and Annaborg. -2.-15. April 2015. Exhibition at Underværket Fredensborg. -2.-4. Maj 2015. Eshibition with own Stall at Art Nordic, Øksnehallen Copenhagen. -7. february-1.Marts 2015. Fantastic figurations. Group exhibition at Gallery Knud Grothe. Charlottenlund. -January and February 2015. Exhibition at Hilton London, Park, England. -November and December 2015. Exhibition at Cuneo(private business). -12.-14. September 2014. People meet. Skævinge kunstforening. Føllegården. -Juni og August 2014. Exhibition at Lille Odinshøj kunstforening. Ålsgårde -30/8-7/9 2014. Kunstrunden/ Open art studios group show. Gjethuset i Frederiksværk. -17-22 June 2014. X-Porten i Hundested -8. June 2014. Art Auktionen in Gilleleje. Donated a painting in support of the rebuild after The Storm Bodil. -April 2014. Exhibition at Poppelgården in Helsingør. -21-23. Marts 2014. Hillerød kunstmesse./ Art show. -The 1. of November 2013. I will join Helsingør Art Gallery. We are 9 members and there will be a Preview and change of Work each month. Helsingørkunstgalleri.dk
-The 7th and 8th of September 2013 exhibition with Open House with Kunstrunden.dk at Nordre Strandvej 9, 3250 Gilleleje.
-Kunstrunden Exhibition at De gamle værftshaller. Allegade 4, 3000 Helsingoer. Preview/ Fernisering Saturday 28th of August 2013. Free entrance. Open from 28th August to the 8th September. 10-17 weekends and 14-17 week days.
-2 man joint Exhibition at the 'Snedkeriet' Art by holmberg lin Gilleleje. Preview/Fernisering Friday evening the 19th of July 2013. From 19th of July to 4th of August
I am an experienced art practitioner and teacher, who has had a broad experience with teaching both different ages and subjects. My specialism is Art and Design.
Did my teaching degree in Denmark with Art and English as my main subjects.
Moved to England in 1999 and lived there until moving back to Denmark at the start of 2012.
Completed a Master of Arts in Art, Design and Media in Portsmouth in 2002 and a Diploma in Interior Design in 2004.
News: - In 2022 I completed an education in Art Therapy. It's hobby and work combined to one and my aim is to make it part of a career. - Current paintings: Started new paintings and rework of some old ones. Darker, 'deeper', history, show, inspired??? Other interesting Facts:
- In England I was teaching Art, Design and History of Art, Part-time, In Havant art college from 2005 until I moved back to Denmark in 2012. I was also teaching in Secondary Schools, mainly Art and Graphic Design, but also Geography, Religion and History. The last two years I was head of Graphic Design at a privat School. - Worked as an Arts, Design and Performance Teacher at Gilleleje School from August 2013- August 2014. Part-time.
-Christmas photo-shoot of our renovated house in the Christmas edition 2013 of 2 magazines;
The English monthly magazine '25 beautiful homes' and the Danish weekly magazine 'Sunday'.
- May 2013. been a member of Kunstrunden.dk/open Art studios.
- I often paint commissions:
-Large renovation job on this website is ongoing.
- The first two years back in DK, we totally renovated our 'new' house. In 2018 we sold our house and bought a new project, by the end of 2020 we finished renovating our 'Log Cabin'. - From 2015 I have worked at Havregaarden Boarding School. It was a School for challenged pupils and my main responsibility was Art and Design. I also taught English and was part of different projects with pupils who didn't fit in a regular School day. The School sadly closed down at the end of 2020. -From 2021 I have worked at a private day School for older challenged kids. Sputnik. An excellent School where I'm working at implementing Art therapy as part of the special measures the School offers.